Monday 26 January 2015

Week 2: Banish Acne Scars

Welcome back wonderful people!
My family went to Ottawa for the weekend (January 16th-18th) to watch my older brother's hockey game.  He plays for his university's hockey team and they were facing a team from Ottawa so we decided we would make a trip out of is and sight-see.
Struggling to lift the 24K gold bar at the Royal Canadian Mint, that thing was heavy...
Always end up finding some friends where ever I go #canadianmoose
Be sure to check out my Instagram for more photos:
Nice little action shot of me on the World's Largest Skating Rink ;)
Now since Ottawa is 5 hours away from where I live, we got back pretty late on Sunday so I was not able to take any pictures of my before and after (due to the lighting).  I did stick with the rolling and I have to say I'm noticing some changes.  Of course it was only my second time rolling so I can't see HUGE SIGNIFICANT chances, but I can see it working!
Keep in mind, I do have hormonal break-outs happening right now because that damn period still hasn't come -.- so I have new spots showing up.

I apologize for not posting any pictures but I will for sure keep you posted for Week 3 and lots of pictures will be coming your way!

ALSO, if any of you are wondering what sort of make-up I had for the day, a separate blog post is posted with all the products I used as well as Step-By-Step pictures (let's face it, I'm a make-up lover!).  You can check out that blog by clicking here!

Click here for my Week 1: Banish Acne Scars blog post!
Click here to purchase products from Banish Acne Scars!

Stay tuned for my next blog post and take care,

“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop."


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